主页 / 事件 / CDN提供了GovDC独家解决方案



新南威尔士州政府已经采取了新的方法来利用信息和通信技术. 这种方法是基于“开启水龙头”现成的信息和通信技术的想法, or “as-a-service”.

GovDC是第一个数据中心和云计算环境在澳大利亚建造符合公共机构的需求. GovDC涉及公共机构的需求: 实现了从有限的资金更多的价值, provide a more reliable, secure and flexible environment and offer the benefits of large scale data centres with cloud services.

CDN is proud to be heavily involved in this new initiative and offer exclusive solutions for GovDC. 在CDN团队已经安装了最新的HP刀片服务器和虚拟机技术,提供最好的的IaaS & PaaS的解决方案与经验丰富的本地支持.

The product solutions below comprise of moving your Servers/SAN, migrating your data and hosting your applications to a centralised data centre at GovDC generating serious costs savings. These solutions can be broken up into two categories:

➢ Local Data Centres (any Government department, public hospital, private hospital or non-profit organisation)
• PaaS/IaaS in parallel until installation completed.
• Co-Location, HW forklift move of your Servers/SAN

➢ Dicom Medical Imaging (放射科 & 心脏病)
• SaaS PACS legacy archive move
• SaaS PACS replacement